We offer many different access points for you to find help:
Use our Chat with a Librarian Service
Our Chat with a Librarian service is available 24/7/365, with live, human librarians answering your question. You can find it on the Getting Started page of this guide. If we are not available to answer your questions, other librarians from around the country have access to our materials to help you!
Stop by the Library
A librarian may be available during library hours.
Tell us what your assignment is, what your topics is, and what you are stuck on so that we can help you better!
Call the Library
You can call the library at 734-432-5703 to be transferred to a librarian or set up an appointment to talk to a librarian.
The Library offers lots of help, but it's important that you understand what we can and cannot do for you:
Help you find sources for your topic.
Help you find help for citing your sources.
Show you how to use our catalog, electronic databases, etc.
Help you learn be a better independent researcher.
Proofread your papers
Do your research FOR you. Doing proper research requires a lot of reading and lots of time. Set aside a block of time to spend on this paper. We're here to make sure you don't waste that time using resources that are inappropriate for academic research papers.