In The Practice of Catholic Theology: A Modest Proposal, Paul J. Griffiths has written a how-to book for Catholic theologians that will both instruct beginners and challenge long-time practitioners to sharpen their understanding of their craft. He defines Catholic theology as the practice of thinking, speaking, and writing about the God of Christian confession; so understood, it's something that anyone can learn to do.
This book focuses on the obstacles that keep most leaders from turning their visions into reality. This book will note how the Church missed out on prime opportunities during the middle of the 20th century in the United States when our culture went through a significant transition.
The essays presented by seven theologians at the Symposium are included, along with thoughtful input drawn from the experiences of lay and ordained ministers who gathered to amplify the voice and strengthen the national will to promote effective ecclesial leadership practices.
The Oxford Bible Commentary is a completely new Bible study and reference work for 21st century students and readers. It offers verse-by-verse explanation of every book of the Bible by the world's leading biblical scholars.
Reflecting on tensions in her own experiences of caring for selves, Lassiter identifies the challenges of identity in developing a pastoral theological anthropology.
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