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Mission Statement

Madonna University Library advances the University mission by supporting the research needs and enhancing the information literacy skills of students, faculty, and staff. The library provides quality resources, research assistance, and instruction in an atmosphere that reflects Christian service and values.

Madonna University Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Madonna University lives out its Catholic and Franciscan mission and values by creating and maintaining an environment where all persons are treated with understanding and respect. The University regards diversity and inclusion as guiding principles. Diversity calls upon individuals to know how to relate to qualities, conditions, and identities that are different from their own and from the groups to which they belong. Members of the University community are expected to respect others inclusive of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, family status, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and/or religious tradition.

The University community guarantees the freedom of individuals to explore their evolving self- identity in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. The University ensures that all persons can participate in and have access to the everyday life of the institution. This deepens the understanding and appreciation of the individuality and circumstances of everyone. Inclusion is essential for the creation of a welcoming environment that promotes respect, hospitality, peace, and justice. At Madonna University, the commitment to diversity and inclusion emanates from the Franciscan values of respect for the dignity of each person, concern for the disadvantaged and oppressed, and reverence for life. In concert with Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Catholic Social Teaching, we maintain that all faiths and all people are welcome here.