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College Success : Classroom Success

Resources to help learn how to successfully navigate through the college experience.

Classroom Success Skills

Taking Notes

Here are some skills that will help you become more successful in class!

Take Notes:

  • Taking notes helps you retain and refresh the information you are learning.
  • Don't write down everything you read/hear.
    • Write the subject, give definitions, outline topics/subtopics, and provide illustrations/charts if needed.
  • Decide on organizational strategy and stick to it.
  • When in a lecture listen for keywords, listen to changes in tone/volume, and look for written cues.

Read Critically:

  • Decide on your purpose for reading.
    • General overview, finding specific information, or preparing for an assignment.
  • Locate the title, thesis, topic sentences, and source.
  • Ask questions about the author's intent.
    • Why did the author include specific information; why did they avoid certain points; why did the author choose a specific organizational structure, etc.
  • Annotate the reading by underlining/highlighting or making notes in the margin.
  • Summarize your readings and connect related ideas/principles.

Online Resources