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College Success : Organization & Time Management

Resources to help learn how to successfully navigate through the college experience.

Effectively Organize and Manage Your Time

Time Management


  • Use a planner/calendar to keep track of your assignments, tests, and other academic/personal commitments.
  • Work in an area that is free from distractions and organized so you won't have to waste time looking for materials.


  • Read ahead in your syllabi or course packets to see what assignments you will have to complete.
  • Determine how long each task will take and set realistic/achievable goals.
  • Break down tasks into achievable chunks to not overwhelm yourself.


  • Get the most difficult tasks out of the way first, this allows for more time to complete them.
  • Put off tasks/commitments that do not need to be completed on a set schedule.

Avoid Becoming Overwhelmed:

  • Set attainable goals.
  • Take short breaks every 1-2 hours if you will be working for a long time.
  • Don't procrastinate; spread studying over a longer period of time.


Online Resources